It seems you've overstayed your welcome on this idyllic beach, and the ocean itself is going to make sure you don't live to tell anyone about it. Ride on the back of a majestic DK Island whale as you make your way through this stage, and don't forget to slug them right in the blowhole to reach those out of the way Puzzle Pieces and K-O-N-G letters! Is that a thing, now?ĭon't be too frightened by that enormous octopus statue at the beginning of the level, because you'll have a real tentacled behemoth trying to kill you for the next 4 minutes or so. In case you didn't get your fill of pirates firing cannonballs at you in the last level, here's a whole stage dedicated to it! Also, flying jellyfish. What, exactly, is "peaceful" about soaring on an explosive rocket barrel while sharks try to eat you and pirates try to blow you out of the sky? What's that, you say? A joke? What could be worse than pirate sharks and gorilla-eating fish? How about some razor-tipped, electri-flying squid? White sands and crystal-clear sea views invite ignorant gorillas and their little monkey friends into this nasty den of pint-sized pirates and snapping sharks. Nobody knows exactly what Mugly is, but two things are abundantly clear: he's ugly, and he's got a banana to pick with Kong. Now you see it, now you don't! Move quickly, because the moment you step on a platform in this ridiculously challenging secret stage is the moment it begins to fall from under you.

Because that would be rude.ĭeep in the jungle hides an underground cave filled with primeval mushrooms and.what's this? A mine cart? Well, it wouldn't be a Donkey Kong Country game without one, now would it? Take a long walk on the beach in this Limbo-inspired, silhouette stunner.īlast from barrel to barrel high above the thick jungle foliage, but make sure you don't smash too many ancient statues as you make your way to the goal. K-O-N-G Letters, 5 Puzzle Pieces, Time Trial, Mirror Mode Swaying trees, perilous pits and patrolling Tikis: it's Tree Top Bop! K-O-N-G Letters, 7 Puzzle Pieces, Time Trial, Mirror Mode Good thing, too, because Kong will have to learn to climb the thick grass blanketing the walls and ceilings if he's going to make it through this one. It's common knowledge that you can teach an old gorilla new tricks. K-O-N-G Letters, 9 Puzzle Pieces, Time Trial, Mirror Mode Now get out there, and get those bananas back! Welcome to the jungle! The opening stage of Donkey Kong Country Returns sends players stomping back into a familiar world of barrel-blasting gorillas and banana-hoarding baddies. Otherwise, click on a section below to get started. If you're new to Donkey Kong Country Returns, don't miss this explanation of some of the games various collectibles and modes of play.