Then he was found guilty of the murders of John and Irene Bryant, to which he also confessed. However, he was also found guilty of Cheryl Hodges Dunlap a month later and given the death penalty. To avoid the death penalty, Hilton confessed. His van was missing a seatbelt that matched the one found in the dumpster with Meredith's belongings. Two anonymous phone tips alerted police that Hilton was seen giving his van a suspiciously thorough cleaning. On January 5, police found Meredith's missing dog by a dumpster - a dumpster that contained bloody items belonging to the missing girl and a bloody seatbelt. Hilton had forced Meredith to camp with him for several days before finally killing her. He received an honorable discharge and was returned to the US. In 1967, he claimed to be hearing voices and was believed to be having a schizophrenic break. He struggled with alcohol abuse and was removed from the paratrooper program. With no other prospects, he joined the Army. He then returned home to Cleo and dropped out of school to play the drums in a club but was fired when they learned he was underage. He lived with the couple for the next two years and took up playing the drums. When Gary was 15, she asked friends to take him off her hands. He was not further punished, but Cleo was fed up.

Nilo survived, and Gary was briefly sent to a psychiatric facility. When Gary was 13, he shot Nilo intending to murder him.

The marriage was unstable, and his step-father was verbally abusive. When Gary was 8, his mother re-married Nilo, a man who trained racehorses. However, he struggled in school and had a short attention span and impulse issues (what would likely be diagnosed as ADHD now). When Cleo relocated to Florida, young Gary seemed to be adjusting well to his new life. When Gary was only two years old, his mother filed for and received an annulment since her marriage had never been valid. When he was very young, his mother Cleo learned that her "husband" William had four other wives in four different towns. Gary Hilton was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1946.