Despite his throat and vocal chords healing after he was cut down, Roger spent most of the episode not talking. Sunday's episode of Outlander, "Famous Last Words," focused on how Roger survived the unspeakable trauma of almost dying, and the three month period after he was saved as he tried to find his way back to normal living. Thanks to some quick reflexes - and a miracle - Roger managed to slip two fingers under his noose after the British mistakenly had him hung for treason, saving him from strangulation and keeping him alive until Jamie ( Sam Heughan) and Claire ( Caitriona Balfe) arrived and cut him down from the tree we found him hanging in after the battle.

After the heartbreaking death of Murtagh ( Duncan Lacroix) on Outlander, it would have been too much for the Frasers to handle if Roger ( Richard Rankin) had died in the Battle of Alamance as well.